Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Values, credo, culture: Selflessness, sacrifice

As an organization gathering people who “dedicate their lives to acting as support troops for the Jedi”, it should come as no surprise, that a certain sense of selflessness or sacrifice be counted among the values of the organization. The Antarian Ranger ethos can be particularly harsh “the first into battle, and the last to leave” or unrewarding “none of the glory, all of the danger”, consequently, “the life of an Antarian Ranger is not an easy one”.

Sacrificing oneself during the combat to protect Jedi is considered a good deed, but so is making donations in kind (supplies, weapons) to the Antarian Rangers organization, thus hinting at a body and soul commitment to the organization.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.68), Imperial Commando 501st (p.68)

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