Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Allies: Public at large

According the Hero’s Guide, in the eyes of the general public, “the Antarian Rangers are a well respected (if not widely known) organization” since “the Rangers have suffered almost none of the negative publicity surrounding the Jedi and those associated with them” during the Purge. Allston and Traviss confirm the “not widely known” aspect of the organization: “Kell (…) never heard of the Antarian Rangers” and Darman had “never heard of them”. In addition, Antarian Rangers may be seen as defenders of the Republic as shown by their participation in the “Republic” faction in Star Wars Miniatures, Jedi Academy Set.

Before that era, the organization emulates “those intimidated by the awesome powers of the Jedi” who “sometimes seek out the Rangers as a less intimidating means of contributing to the cause”.

Sources: Star Wars Miniature, Hero’s Guide, X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.67), Imperial Commando 501st (p.68)

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