Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Enemies: Negative opinions

Antarian Rangers, being “relatively unknown” are spared many negative opinions, “though many are wary of any independent organization that goes about so heavily armed during the relative peace of the Old Republic”.
During the Imperial era, the Imperial Inquisition has a negative view of the Antarian Rangers, seeing them as “[tagging] along” the Jedi and being nothing more than “sad little creatures” with a “miserable existence putting [their] life on the line for those who don’t even admit that [they] exist”. This opinion is shared by Clone soldiers-turned-Jedi-haters in the Imperial service that see their existence as “disgraceful” and assume that the Jedi never saw them “as anything more than latrine cleaners”. However, they see them as having enough of a “healthy attitude” to “call it a day” when push comes to shove.
Within the Mandalorian clan Skirata, Antarian Rangers may be associated with the negative view generally held regarding Force-users in light of the way they organized escaped routes: “All in their holy cause, all justifiable, and they don’t even think about what they leave in their wake, because they mean well”.
Finally, Lestra Oxic holds negative beliefs about the Rangers during the New Republic era. Whether it is incidental or not is unclear. Oxic was a confident to Senator Des’sein of the Republic Group prior and during the Empire, and following his death attempts to recover an important artifact of the Republic, meeting with failure, he declares: “or might the actual emblem have been stolen by the person [an Antarian Ranger] to whom you were to deliver the Stellar Envoy (…) I wouldn’t put it past one of those people to plunder a treasure!”

Sources: Hero’s Guide, Imperial Commando 501st (pp.68, 87, 301), Millennium Falcon (p.358)

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