Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Notable Antarian Rangers, Tyria Sarkin

Tyria Sarkin Tainer was a female Human from Toprawa and an Antarian Ranger. She was also somewhat Force-sensitive, a fact which helped her gain entrance to the New Republic Starfighter Command, but she initially showed little aptitude for either Jedi or pilot training. Her start in Starfighter Command was discolored by a corrupt training instructor, Atton Repness, who tarnished her record after she threatened to expose his fraudulent activities. After graduating at the bottom of her class, she became one of the founding members of Gray Squadron under Commander Wedge Antilles, and supplied the unit's permanent name: Wraith Squadron. The unit was quickly activated after the Battle of Folor and participated in the campaign against Warlord Zsinj and his subordinate Apwar Trigit.

Despite not being one of the more skilled pilots in the squadron, she participated in a number of missions and distinguished herself with her abilities as an infiltrator. Sarkin eventually told her new friends in the squadron about what Repness had done to her and squadmates Garik Loran and Ton Phanan were able to find a way to expose Repness. They also helped her after she was forced to kill a brainwashed New Republic pilot trying to assassinate Han Solo. During her time in the Wraiths, Sarkin also developed an attraction for fellow Wraith Kell Tainer, whom she would later marry.

Although Jedi Master Luke Skywalker had told her that she was not a likely candidate for Jedi Knighthood, she left the military some time after Zsinj's death to learn the ways of the Jedi Order on her own, and eventually she was confirmed as a Jedi Knight by Skywalker in her own right. She and Tainer had a son, named Doran, who also inherited Sarkin's Force sensitivity and became her apprentice. They traveled to distant parts of the galaxy, with Sarkin Tainer teaching Doran, even as the Yuuzhan Vong War raged (original article copied from Wookieepedia)

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