Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Status during eras: Rise of the Empire: Separatist crisis to Order 66

25 BBY: Antarian Rangers set up a depot on Tandum III (Republic Group)

24 – 22 BBY: Separatist crisis (Antarian Rangers help the Jedi)

24 BBY: Battle of Antar 4

Onset of the Clone Wars Brief revitalization, brief surge in membership, Jedi-Ranger pairings become more commonplace

22 – 19 BBY: Clone Wars (Antarian Ranger help the Jedi, but whole clans are killed during the various battles), “numbers already diminished”

19 BBY: Antarian Ranger Folee is in Toprawa, Salik City

19 BBY: Order 66, Antarian Rangers are killed by Clones; “all but wiped out”

19 BBY: Toprawa community goes into hiding

19 BBY: Many other branches go in hiding or disband (to disband means to part ways, to hide means hiding together and retaining a modicum of identity as Rangers)

19 BBY: A squad of Antarian Rangers whisks Rahm Kota away

19 BBY: Antarian Ranger Jilam Kester partakes in the escape route leading to Plett’s Well on Belsavis

19 BBY: An unnamed Antarian Ranger, possibly Kester, may be among the Altisian Jedi

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