Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tactics: collective

Allston describes the Antarian Rangers as “good spies and good warriors”; Hershey et al. elaborate on this idea and describe them as “mobile and survivable advance scout troops”, moreover, they add that Antarian Rangers are able to coordinate “squads of allies”, an example of which is hinted with regards to Kota’s militia, said to “[join] other non-clone units such as the Antarian Rangers for larger assaults”.

This identifies several keywords in relation with the tactics they use: mobile, survivable, advance and coordination. No further details are available; however, this confirms the “reconnaissance” part of their missions whose constraints are to operate close to enemy lines (and possibly behind) with minimal or no support. “Survivable” and “mobile” stress that evasion and light-armaments are likely to be preferred over heavy weaponry and / or armor. The coordination aspect directly relates to the quality of the gathered intelligence but also implies that Antarian Rangers can act as leaders.

Teamwork plays an important part of the Rangers’ mindset and whenever they work together they act more quickly and efficiently than when they are working with non-Rangers. Finally, “Antarian Rangers usually have a core group of medics that are dispatched when the need arises”.

Sources: X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.185), The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.67, 68, 218), Hero’s Guide, Star Wars Gamer #10, vol.2 #4 (p.108)

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