Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Statutes & organization: Organization

The organization seems to be directed by a “leadership council” where, presumably, the highest ranking members – the Ranger Generals – make the broad sweeping decisions that affect the organization as a whole. In addition, it seems a safe assumption, that the “rules of the organization” (which includes a provision of court-martial) are decided at this level.

Although, the organization is considered a “multi-sectors organization”, and “Rangers are assigned a particular sector” there is not enough information to determine whether the subsequent division operates at sector, system or planetary level, since the organization had “divisions in several well-populated systems” though it leans heavily towards a sector-based division. It seems though that the terms “division” and “branch”, and possibly “chapter” may be used interchangeably. Coordination and communication between the various divisions is undocumented as of yet. However, it seems that a significant amount of decisions are taken at this level. With the formal dissolution of the Antarian Rangers in 19BBY, “branches” decided to go into hiding or disband or fight off the Empire.

Finally, a third division, at local level, seems to be in existence. At this level, however, the terms used to describe the Antarian Rangers shift from a corporate / administrative vocabulary to a more personal level. For instance, Allston uses the words “community” and “clan”, Hero’s Guide mentions “group”, while The New Essential Chronology refers to “Chapter Houses”. From the variety of terms, it is possible to assume that Antarian Rangers enjoy a high level of autonomy, where other non-hierarchical relations play a stronger role (Tyria Sarkin mentions that her family had been composed of Antarian Rangers for “twenty generations”, i.e. ± 500 years; whereas Solm’s group openly opposes the Empire).

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, X-Wing: Wraith Squadron, The New Essential Chronology

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