Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Training: Combat skills

Antarian Rangers, in their dealings with an oftentimes hostile galaxy, are “trained for combat”. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide and Hero’s Guide provide much detail on the combat skills that are being trained. In ranged weapons: blaster pistols and blaster rifles, in melee weapons: “simple weapons” and “vibro-weapons”.

Interestingly, Antarian Rangers do not receive specific training in unarmed combat. They do receive, on the other hand, training on the “basics of providing armed support to Force-wielding Jedi on the battlefield” as well as training in “demolition” and demining (“disable device”). During the Battle of Antar 4, the Jedi-Ranger strike team used EMP explosive, thus raising the question of who operated the devices. Those may have been part of the “demolition” expertise of the Rangers, but this hypothesis needs demonstration.

In addition to their offensive skills, Antarian Rangers also receive training in wearing light armors, evasion and the ability to operate with a minimum reaction time. These skills confirm the idea of “survivable”.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (pp.66-68), Hero’s Guide, The New Essential Chronology (p.50)

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