Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Training: Scouting skills

Antarian Rangers are considered particularly apt in the wilderness. Their pathfinding or “trailblazing” abilities are such that they have been described as “able to move in any environment”, “masters of any terrain”, and “masters of surroundings”. Allston adds that someone with “not inconsiderable” intrusion skills “marveled” at the way an Antarian Ranger moved and offers the following description:

“Hers was not a steady progress. She stopped to listen to animal noises, stray cracking of twigs or other unexplained sounds, and when there was no noise at all. But when the wind stirred the trees, she glided forward at a steady pace, the wind completely blanketing whatever noise she might have made.”

The ability to move masterfully in any environment encompasses a wide subset of skills mostly described in Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide and X-wing: Wraith Squadron. The following list assigns by sources the various skills known to the Antarian Rangers:

Hero’s Guide: Field Guide (lead groups of people when covering ground on field missions); Climb; Survival; Swim; Listen; Jump.

The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide: Scout talents; search and rescue protocols; survival skills.

X-wing: Wraith Squadron: Camouflage (“blend in with the forest or grassland”); Sailing; “She had survived by her ranger skills for years” “Needed [intrusion skills] to survive day after day for years”; Swimming; Diving; Piloting

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.67, 68), Hero’s Guide, X-wing: Wraith Squadron (pp.87, 185, 194)

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