Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Status during eras: Imperial era: Ongoing Purge to Endor

19 – 0 BBY: Great Jedi Purge, Antarian Rangers are hunted by: Emperor’s Hand, Inquisition, Lord Vader, Imperial forces, Bounty hunters; hunted nearly to the brink of extinction; they nearly faded into obscurity; purged along with the Jedi

Small cells of Antarian Rangers continue to operate during the rise of the Empire

19 – 0 BBY: Toprawa community goes into hiding

Tabiid cell goes into hiding

19 – 0 BBY: Many other branches go in hiding (seclusion, underground) or disband (to disband means to part ways, to hide means hiding together and/or retaining a modicum of identity as Rangers)

19 – 0 BBY: Join other Force traditions

19 – 0 BBY: Knowledge of the Antarian Rangers remains in surviving members of the Republic Group and the Delegation of Two Thousands

Operate like underground resistance movement

19 – 0 BBY: Antarian Rangers and Kota’s Militia join forces for “larger assaults”

19 – 0 BBY: Solm openly opposes the Empire

19 – 0 BBY: Other Antarian Branches fight off Imperial oppression

19 – 0 BBY: Antarian Rangers branches working on escape routes have limited knowledge of Jedi survivors

18 BBY: Evacuation of Plett’s Well

0 BBY: Rham Kota joins the Rebellion, presumably with Kota’s Militia and possibly with some Antarian Rangers

0 BBY: Antarian Rangers may partake in the Rebellion

0 BBY: Bombardment of Toprawa

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