Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Millennium Falcon

James Luceno's novel identifies a member of the Antarian Rangers, Folee, as part of the Republic Group.

We would ask you to deliver the Stellar Envoy to our allies on Toprawa (p.21);

The Antarian Ranger who will take possession of the ship is called Folee. You will find her in Salik City (...) Your code phrase is: Restore Republic honor to the galaxy (pp.21-22);

This Folee, she’s taking the ship? (p.22);

She is expecting you. The phrase we’ve provided you is a mnemonic aid she will need to carry out her part of the mission (p.23);

A memory shortcut (…) Folee will understand (p.23);

The Republic Group must have asked help from the Antarian Rangers in setting up a kind of depot here. A storehouse of some sorts (p.342);

"An Antarian Ranger""Yes, yes, I wouldn't past it one of those people to plunder a treasure!" (p.358)

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