Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mission statement

The Antarian Rangers is a paramilitary organization whose mission is to “actively assist” and “serve alongside” the Jedi – exactly what is being understood by “Jedi” is a matter of appreciation among the various authors. According to Allston, the Antarian Rangers’ mission is “to aid Jedi Knights” which is more restrictive than “Jedi” as a whole. This interpretation lays the basis of the cooperation between Marus Timpel and Kaskutal:

“Jedi Knight (...) Timpel expressed his frustrations with the limitations his Jedi lifestyle put on his travels and available resources. Kaskutal (...) offered to help and raised funds and resources from donors and investors to create an organization to help alleviate those problems.”

This restrictive approach to the mission statement acts also as a justification of the ambiguous relationship that characterizes the Antarian Rangers, the Jedi Knights, the Jedi Council and the Jedi Order. Regardless of the mission statement, there is a consensus among the various authors to look beyond it and have, in practice, the Antarian Rangers help Jedi and other Force-users indiscriminately.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, Star Wars Miniatures, X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.185)

Mission statement: Similar organizations

The Antarian Rangers are not the only organization to help the Jedi, in the words of Allston: “Freedom’s sons were one such order, and the Rangers were another”. According to Wookieepedia, the Antarian Rangers are “similar in name and function to the Aquillian Rangers” (this apparently interprets The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film) and “fill a similar role to the Freedom Warriors”:

“The Freedom Warriors were highly trained troops supporting the Jedi Order in resource-heavy operations. Although the unit’s ranks were only open to those who could not feel the Force as Jedi do, the Freedom Warriors were able to effectively battle Sith-tainted soldiers and Sith-spawned monstrosities.”

Another such group, "that fought with the Jedi Knights and the armies of the Old Republic during the Clone Wars" are the Pandarran Warriors, led by Gendal Delan. Although, no licensed work confirms that the Antarian Rangers were inspired by either organizations, the Wookieepedia team makes a strong case on the permanence of systematic organized help for the benefit of the Jedi Order in the Star Wars narrative.

Sources: X-wing: Wraith squadron (p.185), Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (p.4) – Freedom Warriors also appear in Tales of the Jedi Companion (p.173), Wanted by Cracken (pp.62-64)

Mission types

The various missions conducted by the Antarian Rangers are best summed up in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide which states that: “The Antarian Rangers (…) specialize in providing support for the Jedi (…) provide nonviolent support (…) and intelligence”. Thus, three types of missions are identified: combat, non-violent support and intelligence.

Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66)

Mission types: Nonviolent support

Historically, the Antarian Rangers’ primary mission is to provide for “nonviolent support”; in Kaskutal’s vision, “alleviate” the problems Jedi Knights encountered in relation with “travels” and “available resources”. Nonviolent support – along with combat and intelligence support – is provided for free to the Jedi Knights. With the execution of Order 66 and the subsequent Purge, the Antarian Rangers have enlarged the scope of material support offered to the Jedi in order to safeguard what was left of the Jedi Order and anticipate in its eventual reconstruction.

Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66)

Mission types: Nonviolent support: Resources and support

Detailed material support is not well documented in the existing corpus covering the Antarian Rangers. Therefore, the following elements may not be exhaustive:

- Hero’s Guide mentions “travels” and The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide elaborates on the idea with “transport services”;
- “Supplies” seem to have fallen into the Antarian Rangers’ purview, though no other information enables to characterize said supplies;
- Setting up depots or storehouses on behalf of allied groups (such as Jedi or the Republic Group); these could be equipped with beacons;
- Similarly, “other physical resources” are provided by the organization without additional details. However, the term “resources” is also used in conjunction with the resources available to the Jedi Knights for the accomplishment of their missions. Hero’s Guide stressed the “limitations (…) put on available resources”, while The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide mentions that the Antarian Rangers provided resources “when the Jedi need resources beyond those provided by the Order”. While it is difficult to ascertain the type of resources, it seems safe to assume that they are issued as a complement to those issued by the Jedi Order.

Source: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66), Millennium Falcon (pp.342, 355)

Mission types: Nonviolent support: Safeguarding the Order and Rebuilding

The near-extinction of the Jedi Order at the time of the Purge creates a new imperative for the Antarian Rangers heralding a shift in the finality of the support previously provided. The resources available are used to preserve the remains of the Jedi Order and not to help Jedi conduct missions. With the Purge, “the few Jedi who remain following Order 66 fall under the Ranger’s protection”.

Two different types of nonviolent missions can thus be identified:

- To “[establish] a secret base or safe house for Jedi on the run”, and
- To prepare “for the day when the Jedi Order is rebuilt”.

Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (pp.66, 67)

Mission types: Nonviolent support: Safeguarding the Order: Safe Houses

(There seems to be some disagreement on the correct way to spell “safe house” or “safehouse” among the various authors)

Karen Traviss provides useful insights on the way Antarian Rangers and escaped Jedi organized, “with varying degrees of success”, some “refugee network”, “escape routes”, “secret base or safe house” during the Purge. The routes so devised could be used to evacuate from a single individual to a small group (for instance, “several Padawans” or “many soldiers”).

Those may be run by Jedi Masters and information on how to proceed is stored, at least once, on a datachip containing some sort of “complete guide to how to hide escaped Jedi”. This complete guide covers as many aspects as: safehouses, sympathizers ready to give aid, ships, locations, comm. codes and arms caches and can be construed as “the whole shebang”.

As far as precise modus operandi to “ferry Jedi to safety” are concerned, Traviss mentions house-renting, the implementation of some “crude code” transmitted – possibly in clear – via “comm. equipment” in various “bursts” with “frequency changes every few seconds”, “ship movements” “from planet to planet” and establishing “at least a couple of escape routes” to reach a “Jedi safehouse”.
In organizing the escape routes, the Antarian Rangers and escaped Jedi do not stop at requisitioning resources and personnel without the consent of the owners and said personnel, thus implying that “everyone and everything is a resource for them. Take a ship, take a pilot, take an army”.

Safehouses, gathering survivors, such as Plett’s Well – involving Masters Altis, Camas and possibly Vamilad – would welcome a varied population of Jedi, Padawans otherwise referred to as “kids” or “youngsters” in crude code, other Force adepts, Sector Rangers including Antarian Rangers, Ffib Nonconformists, non-Force sensitives, renegade spies and would be organized in a rather free but communal way.

Despite the sense of security derived from strength in numbers, such a gathering would also constitute a certain threat to its occupants “[huddled] in one place” and therefore be “a single target”; to “scatter” could have recommended.

Setting up escape routes and safe houses is a skill that remains in the Antarian Rangers know-how, at least from 19 BBY (where events depicted in Imperial Commando 501st take place) to 25 ABY, with the involvement of the Antarian Rangers in the “Great River” during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.

Incidentally, the “Great River” is yet another escape route ran by a Jedi Master, specifically, Luke Skywalker (“The orders come from Master Skywalker, ultimately. He's been organizing a network to move Jedi out of danger for months").

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66, 78), Imperial Commando 501st (p.68, 82, 238, 280, 301, 304, 379), Hero’s Guide, Star Wars Insider 64 “Emissary of the Void”

Mission types: Combat: Assisting Jedi / Rescuing Jedi and other Force-sensitive

Antarian Rangers are described as “support troops”, “trained scouts and soldiers”, or “elite troopers” acting “when Jedi need extra support”. It is best to stress that the following Jedi or Force-sensitive-related missions take place during the Purge; overt combat missions from eras where the Antarian Rangers are openly active are not described. Thus the spectrum of “clandestine military operations”, listed by Hershey et al., covers:

- To locate Jedi;
- To free one from captivity;
- To rescue Jedi;
- To save the life of a Jedi;
- To ferry Jedi to safety;
- To preserve Force-sensitive beings.

As far as overt missions are concerned, it is possible to speculate that the Antarian Ranger are able to engage in mass combat operations against “Sith-tainted soldiers” or “Sith monstrosities” in much the same way as the Freedom Warriors as they are known to partake in such operations against non-Force users.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (pp.66-68, 78), Imperial Commando 501st (p.68)

Mission types: Combat: Fighting off Separatists, the Empire, the Yuuhzan Vong

The terms characterizing combat operations against large-scale entities suggest both covert operations and taking part in massive battles (“battlefield”): to “fight off Imperial oppression”, to “help combat the Yuuzhan Vong invasion” and to “defend (…) against the threat of the Separatists”.

Unfortunately, there is no additional information available on specific mission assignments. At best, given the eras, it is possible to assume that during the Imperial and Yuuzhan Vong eras, the missions are undercover whereas during the Separatist crisis, the missions are overt. However, it is established that Antarian Rangers collaborate with Kota’s Militia when the latter conducts “larger assaults”

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66, 218), Hero’s Guide

Mission types: Combat: Protecting members

Unsurprisingly, self-defense may be a cause for combat operations. Mission objectives in this case, concentrate on protection from discovery and imprisonment.

In one specific instance, the Battle of Antar 4 during the Separatist crisis, it is said that Antarian Rangers converged en masse to chase a terrorist group, the Roshu Sune (“Antarian Rangers from across the galaxy made their way to Antar 4 with revenge in mind”) after the latter bombed Antarian Rangers Chapter Houses.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66), The New Essential Chronology (p.50)

Mission types: Information gathering: Information Gathering

The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide is rather vague when mentioning the gathered “intelligence when working in the galaxy abroad”. Though, it is possible to assume that it is strategic in nature (i.e. information affecting decision-making), pertains to the interests of the Jedi and of the organization (such as the status of conflicts, the economy and so forth) and may be acquired lawfully or otherwise (“we were good spies”).

On the other hand, “reconnaissance” covers a rather specific meaning, thus implying that the Antarian Rangers conduct operational intelligence, used in preparation for operations. Although no specifics are available, it may cover aspects as diverse as keeping tabs on troop movements to pinpointing specific locations or painting targets.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66), X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.185), Hero’s Guide

Mission types: Information gathering: Covert Operations

Antarian Rangers conduct “covert operations to make the work of the Jedi easier”; unfortunately no additional details are given regarding the nature or scope of these operations. Outside of the scope of making the work of Jedi easier, it may be possible to include as a covert operation the mission that was assigned to retrieve an important Republic symbol in 19BBY. Indeed, however scantly described, the mission involved using a special transponder and a mnemonic sentence for the Ranger. Another example of covert operation may have taken place when a squad of Antarian Rangers, notified of Order 66, whisked Master Kota and “many (…) soldiers” to safety.

Extending from the notion of “covert operations” is the notion of doing the “dirty work”. Several authors specifically use the expression, Karen Traviss in Imperial Commando 501st on page 68 “do the dirty jobs nobody else wants”, and Hero’s Guide “often tasked with doing what some would consider the ‘dirty work’”. Again, no additional details are given on the matter. The notion of “dirty work” is usually associated with shady and illegal businesses, however, given the usual interlocutors of the Antarian Rangers, it is difficult to imagine the Jedi using mob-style tactics – yet in order to be comprehensive this hypothesis ought not to be discarded off-hand.

However, it seems that as far counter-intelligence is concerned, the Antarian Rangers may have suffered lapses, unable to mole out the Roshu Sune “undercover agents that had infiltrated” the Chapter Houses on Antar 4.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, Millennium Falcon, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.78), Imperial Commando 501st (p.68), The New Essential Chronology (p.50)

Mission types: Information gathering: Jedi-specific Intelligence

With the Jedi Purge, Antarian Rangers shift their intelligence focus on Jedi-specific intelligence, i.e. which relates to the discovery of “Jedi who survived Order 66” and the identification of future Padawans, for a time when “new Padawans are needed”. The shift illustrates two completing trends: to save as much of the Jedi Order and to prepare for a day when it will be rebuilt. While the Rangers believe that the Jedi fall under their protection, surviving Jedi “go so far into hiding that even the Antarian Rangers do not know where they are”.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (pp.66, 67)

Mission types: Information gathering: Encryption

Antarian Rangers are used to coded transmissions and encrypted messages (Had the mnemonic phrase [“Restore Republic honor to the galaxy”] been designed to reset the Rubicon to the numbers represented by the nine letters that made up the final two words?), either using “crude codes” or “mnemonic aids” on a “covert frequency” or in short communication “bursts”, changing frequencies every few seconds.

Sources: Millennium Falcon (pp.22, 324), Imperial Commando 501st

Tactics: collective

Allston describes the Antarian Rangers as “good spies and good warriors”; Hershey et al. elaborate on this idea and describe them as “mobile and survivable advance scout troops”, moreover, they add that Antarian Rangers are able to coordinate “squads of allies”, an example of which is hinted with regards to Kota’s militia, said to “[join] other non-clone units such as the Antarian Rangers for larger assaults”.

This identifies several keywords in relation with the tactics they use: mobile, survivable, advance and coordination. No further details are available; however, this confirms the “reconnaissance” part of their missions whose constraints are to operate close to enemy lines (and possibly behind) with minimal or no support. “Survivable” and “mobile” stress that evasion and light-armaments are likely to be preferred over heavy weaponry and / or armor. The coordination aspect directly relates to the quality of the gathered intelligence but also implies that Antarian Rangers can act as leaders.

Teamwork plays an important part of the Rangers’ mindset and whenever they work together they act more quickly and efficiently than when they are working with non-Rangers. Finally, “Antarian Rangers usually have a core group of medics that are dispatched when the need arises”.

Sources: X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.185), The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.67, 68, 218), Hero’s Guide, Star Wars Gamer #10, vol.2 #4 (p.108)

Tactics: fighting alongside Force-users and against Force-users

As acting “support troops” Antarian Rangers “assist Jedi in the field”. Beyond reconnaissance missions, they also provide “arm support (…) on the battlefield”, thus implying that they operate in close proximity of the Jedi.

Antarian Rangers tend to develop synergistic tactics with Force-users to optimize offensive and defensive abilities.

Their proximity to the Jedi enables them to aid Jedi more efficiently as they would others. This may be because of the fact that Antarian Rangers know of the precognitive abilities of the Jedi and thus can anticipate that the Jedi will react faster to their aid.

Finally, Antarian Rangers benefit from some sort of “Jedi familiarity” and their “minds become exceptionally open to Force abilities” thus easing the way Jedi would use their powers with the Rangers (especially Force Mind, Knight Mind, or Master Mind).

Unfortunately, there is no known example of how, in practice, their abilities in fighting alongside Jedi come into play. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide provides an illustration of an Antarian Ranger acting as a bodyguard to a fallen Jedi while Imperial Commando 501st depicts the sacrifice of Master Iri Camas to let Kester escape; only The New Essential Chronology mentions a battle where Antarian Rangers and Jedi are present. However, it hardly delves on the way they coordinated their actions.

The known combat abilities are mainly entrenched on the information provided by Hero’s Guide which extrapolates from the following quotes:

“Jedi (…) deal with a small group of Rangers with whom they are familiar, and rely on the same Rangers repeatedly. Some Jedi actually have semi permanent Antarian Ranger companions who (...) assist them in a fashion similar to the Padawan-Master relationship.”

In addition “typically one to three Rangers accompany [a Jedi]” and “Jedi-Ranger pairings”. Finally, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide mentions “a squad of Antarian Rangers”. Although, no numbers are given regarding a “squad”, it seems safe to assume that it is greater than “one to three” or a “pairing”. If such is case, then, it may be an indication of adaptive tactics by the Antarian Rangers during the Clone Wars.

From these elements, it is possible to ascertain that Antarian Rangers are able to work in close-quarters with Jedi and also, as during the Battle of Antar 4, on larger battlefields with numerous squads of Rangers and Jedi.

As far as body-guarding is concerned there is some irony from the known examples as both cases show downed Jedi and surviving Antarian Rangers. However, Antarian Rangers value their ability to sacrifice themselves to the Jedi, therefore indicating an equal degree of devotion.

Antarian Rangers suffer at times from tactical blindness. As typified with escapees’ safe-houses; despite the sense of security derived from strength in numbers, such gatherings would also constitute a certain threat to their occupants “[huddled] in one place” and therefore be “a single target”; to “scatter” could be recommended.
Finally, given their line of work and the enemies that they have, Antarian Rangers do not, on average, benefit from the Force and thus “rarely get advance warning that agents of the dark side are approaching” making them “susceptible to ambush”.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (pp.67, 68, 78), Star Wars Miniature, Imperial Commando 501st (p.304), The New Essential Chronology (p.50)


Given the variety of their missions, the troubled galaxy that they explore, or simply their status as an “elite group”, Antarian Rangers pay a large amount of attention to training and their training reflects the many epithets that characterize what they are. Scouts, spies, troopers, elite troopers, soldiers, warriors are all the combination of many skills.

Acting upon an unofficial motto, Antarian Rangers “train, hone their skills and prepare” whenever they can. The “highly specialized training” they receive aims at improving body and mind for the time when they are needed on the field. Importantly, “prepare” strongly recalls the intelligence-gathering missions that the Rangers conduct. Thus, a triptych may be enounced: gather intelligence – prepare – learn / acquire new skills.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.67), Hero's Guide

Training: Combat skills

Antarian Rangers, in their dealings with an oftentimes hostile galaxy, are “trained for combat”. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide and Hero’s Guide provide much detail on the combat skills that are being trained. In ranged weapons: blaster pistols and blaster rifles, in melee weapons: “simple weapons” and “vibro-weapons”.

Interestingly, Antarian Rangers do not receive specific training in unarmed combat. They do receive, on the other hand, training on the “basics of providing armed support to Force-wielding Jedi on the battlefield” as well as training in “demolition” and demining (“disable device”). During the Battle of Antar 4, the Jedi-Ranger strike team used EMP explosive, thus raising the question of who operated the devices. Those may have been part of the “demolition” expertise of the Rangers, but this hypothesis needs demonstration.

In addition to their offensive skills, Antarian Rangers also receive training in wearing light armors, evasion and the ability to operate with a minimum reaction time. These skills confirm the idea of “survivable”.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (pp.66-68), Hero’s Guide, The New Essential Chronology (p.50)

Training: Scouting skills

Antarian Rangers are considered particularly apt in the wilderness. Their pathfinding or “trailblazing” abilities are such that they have been described as “able to move in any environment”, “masters of any terrain”, and “masters of surroundings”. Allston adds that someone with “not inconsiderable” intrusion skills “marveled” at the way an Antarian Ranger moved and offers the following description:

“Hers was not a steady progress. She stopped to listen to animal noises, stray cracking of twigs or other unexplained sounds, and when there was no noise at all. But when the wind stirred the trees, she glided forward at a steady pace, the wind completely blanketing whatever noise she might have made.”

The ability to move masterfully in any environment encompasses a wide subset of skills mostly described in Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide and X-wing: Wraith Squadron. The following list assigns by sources the various skills known to the Antarian Rangers:

Hero’s Guide: Field Guide (lead groups of people when covering ground on field missions); Climb; Survival; Swim; Listen; Jump.

The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide: Scout talents; search and rescue protocols; survival skills.

X-wing: Wraith Squadron: Camouflage (“blend in with the forest or grassland”); Sailing; “She had survived by her ranger skills for years” “Needed [intrusion skills] to survive day after day for years”; Swimming; Diving; Piloting

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.67, 68), Hero’s Guide, X-wing: Wraith Squadron (pp.87, 185, 194)

Training: Intelligence skills

While there is some overlap between scouting skills and intelligence skills, from a commentary point of view, certain scouting skills better fit with the intelligence portion of the Antarian Rangers’ missions.

Sources listing the intelligence skills are Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, X-wing: Wraith Squadron and to some extent, Imperial Commando 501st. The following list assigns by sources the various skills known to the Antarian Rangers:

Hero’s Guide: Observation, stealth, search, spot, capable, gather information, hide, move silently, reconnaissance (“recognizing the signals given off by the terrain”)

The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide: Perception, Counter-stealth “notice a target who is actively using the Stealth skill to avoid notice”

X-wing: Wraith Squadron: Escape, “intrusion experts” and “very adept at intrusion”, “particularly proficient in silent movement in difficult terrain”

Imperial Commando 501st: Encryption (?) refers to “crude code”

Millennium Falcon: Encryption (?) refers to “mnemonic phrase”

Sources: Millennium Falcon, Imperial Commando 501st, X-wing: Wraith Squadron (pp.67, 185), The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (pp.67, 68), Hero’s Guide

Training: Leadership skills

Information relative to leadership skills is sketchy at best. Although, such skills are, to an extent, implied with the idea of “coordination” or “field guide”, the only source acknowledging such skills is The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide which suggests that as Antarian Rangers advance in ranks, their ability to muster support increases and that their tactical knowledge becomes broader.

Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.68)

Training: Expertise skills

As an illustration of the preparedness of the Antarian Rangers organization, Rangers are to specialize in one crafting skill and one general knowledge area, thus ensuring that the organization develops in-house experts on various topics.

Source: Hero’s Guide

Values, Credo, Culture

Like any “old order”, the Antarian Ranger organization has developed over time its own culture, sets of beliefs and values, some of which can be easily identified from the existing documentation, but mostly, information sears from deduction and interpretation of the documentation. Generic to any organization, values are based on “positive” and “negative” criteria.

Sources: X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.185), The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.67)

Values, credo, culture: Experimented and reliable operatives

Antarian Rangers seem to value experimented operatives, completing successful missions is an indication that a Ranger is “reliable” and that his skills, as a soldier or a scout – however one wants to look at it – sharpen over time; perhaps, as a better coordinator or as a rifle-user, the Rangers’ weapon of predilection. In itself, the impetus on experience may not appear specific to the Antarian Rangers organization, however, since “the Rangers values the services of each and every member” this aspect takes on a particular signification. Antarian Rangers are an elite group, “never a large faction” and are all too aware that they “have no one to call but themselves if trouble arises”.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.67, 68), X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.185), Hero’s Guide

Values, credo, culture: Antarian Rangers, race and gender

From the beginning, Antarian Rangers are predisposed to welcome non-Humans; after all, Kaskutal was a Gotal. “Over time, the organization [evolved] to become Human-dominant but other species did join and sometimes rose into positions of leadership”. Examples of other species joining the organization are Sullustan or Feeorin, making the Antarian Rangers “as diverse as the Jedi they serve”. In addition the organization maintained a favourable bias toward Gotals - which may have helped its infiltration by members of the Roshu Sune.

Regarding gender relations, little is known of the Antarian Rangers practises; nevertheless, out of the known Rangers, two (out of five) are female (Tyria Sarkin and Folee) and there are no indication whatsoever of a potential discrimination. The notion that Antarian Rangers and Jedi inter-married leaves open the question of gender relations, since both organizations are known to be gender inclusive. Allston’s reference to “family traditions” may be a further indication of gender inclusiveness, in contrast to the depiction of the Freedom Warriors that hint to a patrilinear organization “you joined the Freedom Warriors, like your father before you, and his father before him” – though limited sources on the Freedom Warriors ought to treat the information with caution.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.67), The New Essential Chronology (p.50), X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.186), Tales of the Jedi Companion (p.173)

Values, credo, culture: Antarian Rangers and the Force – a possible religious belief?

Antarian Rangers have a complex relationship with the Force. While most Rangers “lack the ability to tap into the Force” and the organization is open to “non-Force users”, “those without the ability to touch the Force”, or “have no Force powers”, it requires its members to have “at least rudimentary knowledge of the Force” – an understandable requirement given the Jedi they assist.

Yet, the organization is also open to Force-sensitive individual – and one might say, is especially open to them. Not only, do the Rangers hold a favorable bias toward Force-sensitive beings, but they do their best to recruit them into the organization, thus “continually [keeping] tabs on recruits turned down for Jedi training, especially those old enough to make the decision to join”.

In this light, Force-users are likely to be particularly well perceived within the organization and their failure to use the Force to the best of their abilities would create a sense of failure such as the one experienced by Tyria Sarkin “I failed to learn the ways of the Force and uphold my family traditions”, “Seeing that my ancestors for twenty generations back have all lined up behind me with stern expressions to make sure I’m doing it right, and I suddenly realize that I can’t swim well enough to make them proud of me”.

Beyond the added-value of being a Force-user in such an organization, the organization may have had an ambiguous stance toward the Force, where the latter could be perceived as something attainable “a natural place for those without the ability to touch the Force to turn to in fulfilling dreams of connecting with the Force”. How exactly would they be able “connect” with the Force is unclear. A somehow far-fetched hypothesis can nevertheless be formulated, if the Antarian Rangers see the Force in a religious way, as hinted in The New Essential Chronology which uses the word “desecrated” for the Chapter Houses. In this context, the belief in the Force may be seen as a vessel to become Force-sensitive. More information would however be needed to confirm or infirm such hypothesis.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66-68), Imperial Commando 501st (p.68), X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.186, 214), The New Essential Chronology (p.50)

Values, credo, culture: Selflessness, sacrifice

As an organization gathering people who “dedicate their lives to acting as support troops for the Jedi”, it should come as no surprise, that a certain sense of selflessness or sacrifice be counted among the values of the organization. The Antarian Ranger ethos can be particularly harsh “the first into battle, and the last to leave” or unrewarding “none of the glory, all of the danger”, consequently, “the life of an Antarian Ranger is not an easy one”.

Sacrificing oneself during the combat to protect Jedi is considered a good deed, but so is making donations in kind (supplies, weapons) to the Antarian Rangers organization, thus hinting at a body and soul commitment to the organization.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.68), Imperial Commando 501st (p.68)

Values, credo, culture: Myths and legends

Little is known of cultural aspects of the Antarian Rangers, but one possible glimpse of it may be hinted by Allston regarding “wraiths”. According to the author, wraiths are part of the Antarian Rangers’ folklore where they mean “dark things that come in the night for you (…) the phantoms under the bed, the monsters in the storage cubicles” and may be mentioned to children – presumably for some educative purposes. However, wraiths as ethereal and hostile beings are an extremely rare occurrence in the Star Wars Expanding Universe, with only two specific appearances, the space wraiths and the Kivan wraiths - the latter, however should be discounted because of dating issues. Interestingly, the space wraiths are known for their relation to the Dark Side of the Force, thus being a plausible link to their inclusion in the Antarian Rangers’ folklore.

Sources: X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.95), Ultimate adversaries (pp.118, 119), Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror

Statutes & organization: Statutes

Although described as a paramilitary organization, the exact nature of the Antarian Rangers organization is difficult to grasp precisely.

In order to assess its nature, catchall terms such as “group”, “organization” or “member” have been discarded from the analysis as those are too generic to inform on the legal status of the Antarian Rangers.

Traviss depicts the Antarian Rangers as one of the Sector Rangers groups, and jumbles them in a broad category including “all sorts of Sector Rangers”; she goes as far as lending them the Sector Ranger motto: what others abandon we protect. In her view, they are “ordinary law enforcement officers”, “civvie cops”, or simply “cops”. This depiction of Antarian Rangers as operating on behalf of a public authority is made worse in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide which uses the term “soldier” – whose etymology relates to taxpayers’ money (unlike “warrior”). The soldier is the employ of a legitimate government that pays its wage.

Yet, Hero’s Guide mentions that Kaskutal “[created] an organization” therefore giving the Antarian Rangers organization a private status, regardless of it being a business, a non-governmental organization or a religious association. In light of this private sector status, Antarian Rangers are, by definition, civilians. So, how could opposing sources be reconciled?

Listing all the relevant information enables the formulation of a tentative explanation:

Privately owned company;
Counted among the Sector Rangers;
Using a wide array of weaponry (light armament to explosive);
For a wide spectrum of missions from law-enforcement (bounties) to military (covert ops / battles);
With, at times, government backing (soldier, cop);
Lacking a specific uniform;
With a military-like hierarchy and discipline;

Where, the Antarian Rangers Organization would most likely be a private military company with a public mandate from the Judicial branch (to which the Jedi Order technically belongs and given their status as Sector Rangers) to operate as a law-enforcement organization insofar as its actions are in accordance to the Jedi’s missions and during times of crisis to operate within the Republic military chain of command (in order to support the Jedi on the battlefield). This interpretation would thus provide the necessary legal covers if Antarian Rangers use their weapons or violate private property when assisting Jedi.

Although convoluted, this hypothesis could also provide an explanation to the existing “branches”, “divisions” and “local chapter houses” of the Antarian Rangers. Assuming that they face similar limitations than Sector Rangers – whose employ is spatially restricted to a specific sector, Antarian Rangers may have had to create “branches” in order to operate beyond certain sectors.

Sources: Hero’s Guide (p.76), The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Imperial Commando 501st (p.68, 87, 379)

Statutes & organization: Organization

The organization seems to be directed by a “leadership council” where, presumably, the highest ranking members – the Ranger Generals – make the broad sweeping decisions that affect the organization as a whole. In addition, it seems a safe assumption, that the “rules of the organization” (which includes a provision of court-martial) are decided at this level.

Although, the organization is considered a “multi-sectors organization”, and “Rangers are assigned a particular sector” there is not enough information to determine whether the subsequent division operates at sector, system or planetary level, since the organization had “divisions in several well-populated systems” though it leans heavily towards a sector-based division. It seems though that the terms “division” and “branch”, and possibly “chapter” may be used interchangeably. Coordination and communication between the various divisions is undocumented as of yet. However, it seems that a significant amount of decisions are taken at this level. With the formal dissolution of the Antarian Rangers in 19BBY, “branches” decided to go into hiding or disband or fight off the Empire.

Finally, a third division, at local level, seems to be in existence. At this level, however, the terms used to describe the Antarian Rangers shift from a corporate / administrative vocabulary to a more personal level. For instance, Allston uses the words “community” and “clan”, Hero’s Guide mentions “group”, while The New Essential Chronology refers to “Chapter Houses”. From the variety of terms, it is possible to assume that Antarian Rangers enjoy a high level of autonomy, where other non-hierarchical relations play a stronger role (Tyria Sarkin mentions that her family had been composed of Antarian Rangers for “twenty generations”, i.e. ± 500 years; whereas Solm’s group openly opposes the Empire).

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, X-Wing: Wraith Squadron, The New Essential Chronology

From outsider to Ranger General…

The life of Antarian Rangers appeals to a small portion of the galactic population. Its elite status, uniqueness, proximity to the Jedi and the risks involved constitute as many deterrents to most as they are enticing to a select few.
The informal nature of the Antarian Rangers (“not having a set uniform” but being “rewarded with a distinctive brown leather jacket reminiscent of those worn by off-duty members of sector defense forces”), hardly conceals the fact that “Antarian Rangers organize themselves much like any other military outfit”.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide

From outsider to Ranger General: Outsider

Primary sources tend to show little requirements to enter the Antarian Rangers organization. May apply, those who do “not fear the power of the Jedi”, who “dream of connecting with the Force”, who “admire the Jedi Order and wish to uphold its ideals”, who “possess at least rudimentary knowledge of the Force and the Jedi”. Not being Force-sensitive is not an issue to seek joining the organization.

Applicants to the Antarian Rangers organization come from several backgrounds:

Those that have “successfully made contact with a member of the Antarian Ranger organization”;
Those that are born into the Antarian Rangers traditions (some families have been Rangers for five centuries);
Those that are co-opted into it (most applicants are “prompted from an existing member”);
Those that have been turned down for Jedi training (which may be co-opted).

Applicants have then to prove “loyalty”, “capability” and “dedication” before they “[pledge] support”. The pledge itself is not known but may include the following elements:

“Antarian Rangers must be prepared at all times to answer the call of their leaders and are expected to step in whenever a Jedi needs assistance” and “uphold the ideals” of the Jedi Order.

From thereon “all members are evaluated for their pertinent skills and potential contributions to the organization”. Successful applicants enter the organization at the rank of Explorer and begin a lengthy process to one day become a full-fledge Ranger. “Though the organization has fewer ranks than a full-scale military”, only a select few reach the top.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66)

From outsider to Ranger General: Explorer

There is some confusion between The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide and Hero’s Guide on the status of “applicants” and what may be described as applicants-in-training. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide reads that “explorers are the lowest-ranking members of the Antarian Rangers. They are applicants who have not yet completed the training required to become full-fledged Rangers”, while Hero’s Guide states that “while most applicants eventually go on to become support personnel -- technicians, transport pilots, communications experts -- some do enter the training required to become a full-fledged Ranger” hence it seems that within the rank of Explorer, some applicants receive training while others do not.

Hero’s Guide mentions that only applicants-in-training receive the title of Explorer “trainees are called Explorers; at this rank, they accompany Rangers on dangerous missions and get field training but are not yet given independent duties” however, since The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide was published later, the most recent information ought to be maintained, thus the contradiction may be resolved with the “in-training” substantive, possibly derived from the skill evaluation following the application.

At the rank of Explorer, applicants-in-training receive the training described above (see Training, supra) and are also taught how to teamwork.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Hero’s Guide

From outsider to Ranger General: Lieutenant

The second rank within the organization is that of Lieutenant. This rank is only mentioned in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide and little information is available about it save that “the rank of Lieutenant is an honorific that carries no mechanical benefits”, a comment that is repeated with other organizations.
By the time an applicant reaches the rank of Lieutenant, it has achieved most of the training, in particular, its reconnaissance skills are considered worthy enough to keep progressing.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Hero’s Guide

From outsider to Ranger General: Ranger

Rangers are “official” and “full-fledged” members of the organization”, they “have completed their training and are on active duty”. At this level, they have “all the rights and responsibilities fitting of the rank”. It is the end of a “lengthy process” where the applicant has not only demonstrated sufficient skills, but has been “designated worthy of the rank (…) by the leadership council”.

Antarian Rangers are “good spies and good warriors”, i.e. they are accomplished combatants, survivalists and have good intrusion skills. Moreover, by this time, they have sufficiently worked with Jedi to be familiar with them.

Antarian Rangers are then “typically assigned to a certain sector”, but “in some cases, to a particular Jedi who has requested their services.” The latter part of the sentence is somehow surprising since, it posits that some Jedi know Antarian Rangers before they receive the rank. Given that Explorers “are not given independent duties”, it therefore seems safe to assume that either some Jedi have been working with Lieutenants, or more realistically have known the Explorers as “they accompany Rangers on dangerous missions and get field training”. If such is the case, then, the Antarian Rangers typical Jedi-accompanying group of “one to three” may include Explorers.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Hero’s Guide, X-wing: Wraith Squadron

From outsider to Ranger General: Ranger Captain

Similar to the Lieutenant, Ranger Captains are introduced in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide and described as: “Field commanders and officers, ranger captains are distinguished members of the Antarian Rangers organization who have proven their ability to lead troops into combat.” It may also be the moment in a Ranger’s life where his or her relations with the Jedi and the Jedi Order are such that they can establish some “contact”.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Hero’s Guide

From outsider to Ranger General: Ranger General

As with the Lieutenant and the Ranger Captain, Ranger Generals are introduced in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide and described as: “The highest-ranking members of the organization, ranger generals make the broad, sweeping decisions that affect the Antarian Rangers as a whole.” Presumably, Ranger Generals sit at the leadership council and by then have acquired such a reputation that they may petition the Jedi Council.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Hero’s Guide


While there is no information relative to the budget of the Antarian Rangers organization, it seems quite easy to guess that it must be consequent. Travels, weapons, Rangers and support staff (transport pilots, technicians, communication experts, core group of medics), insurances, building-maintenance, general equipment would weigh heavily on the financial balance. Since the Antarian Rangers “offer” the Jedi their services, it seems highly unlikely that they receive compensations in return – as a matter of fact, Hero’s Guide explicitly mentions “not (…) supported by the Jedi”, and therefore ruling out financial help from the venerable institution.

Kaskutal is described as the chief financial architect for the organization, having “raised funds and resources” from “donors and investors”, as well as having made “good investment decisions” and some “savvy business deals” enabling the organization to be “financially stable, if not overly wealthy”.

The extent of the “savvy business deals” may be quite consequent. The Rangers were able to have an arms manufacturer willing to customize a rifle for their sole purpose – and given the Rangers’ low numbers, one may assume that negotiating such a deal would not have been a small feat.

In addition, the way the text is written suggests that the economic decisions taken by Kaskutal created the financial legacy of the Rangers long after Kaskutal’s death – again, something quite commendable and displaying an impressive amount of foresight. Although, it may also help to remind that the Antarian Rangers have intelligence-gathering capabilities, which, in the investment world may come as an asset, if only, to keep track of the state of the economy.

Other sources, such as The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide hint at additional revenues for the Antarian Rangers, ranging from “bounties” to material donations “supplies or weapons”. In this particular instance, status in gained for donations up to 50 000 credits in worth – enough to save on the purchase of some vehicles or other expensive equipments.

While, Hero’s Guide hints at the “entrepreneurial skills” of some Antarian Rangers branches to partake in commercial ventures once they disbanded and became “freelance mercenaries”. This may imply that an entrepreneurial culture was developed within the Rangers – though there are no evidences to this claim.
Finally, the implied government-backings of the words “soldier” and “civvie cop” may nod to the occasional subsidies or government contracts.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Hero’s Guide, Imperial Commando 501st, Star Wars Gamer #9

Trade: Equipment

The AR-1 is a specially modified blaster rifle used by the Antarian Rangers. Created by Greff-Timms Industrial to fit the needs of the all-purpose paramilitary group, the rifle is both high-powered and boasts quite a long range. The AR-1 has a secondary firing mode for launching flares as well as the standard multifire and stun settings. The blaster rifle also has a barrel-mounted glow rod that can be removed and replaced with a vibro-bayonet. The AR-1 costs 1300 credits and weights 4.3kg.

Other equipment is not documented, except for the “distinctive brown leather jacket” given to the Rangers upon their promotion to the rank. Whether, “Antarian Rangers [have] night-vision goggles or other fancy kits” is wondered by Traviss but no answer is given.

Sources: Hero’s Guide (p.122), Imperial Commando 501st (p.81)

Leaving, demotion and dishonorable discharge

With very low numbers, “Antarian Rangers can ill afford losses, even at the height of the organization's membership” nevertheless, “the Antarian Rangers will not stop a member from leaving if he persists on parting ways”. Leaving the Antarian Rangers may not seem as innocuous as it sounds as it is akin to “desertion” – and therefore is likely to be preceded by dishonourable discharge.

“Good reasons” to leave the Antarian Rangers are generally, “retirement” or “discharge as a result of injury”.

Cases of demotion may include:

Taking on a bounty for a Jedi (unless the latter is understood as a dark-sider);
Killing a Jedi (same restrictions apply);
During the Imperial era, to be known as an ally, informant or agent of the Empire (by the same token, possible survivors of the Roshu Sune undercover terrorists were likely to have been cast out)
Intentionally killing another Antarian Ranger;

In addition, “any Antarian Ranger who commits overtly evil or cruel acts can be expelled from the group”, while “A Ranger may also be court-martialed for improper conduct or violating the rules of the organization, receiving a dishonourable discharge from the group before being cast out”.

At any rate, former Antarian Rangers are bound by secrecy regarding the inner workings of the organization as stated in Hero’s Guide “Like any other paramilitary organization, the Rangers are concerned about the organization's secrets, and they take steps to eliminate the problem if an ex-member is revealing more than she should.” The extent of the “steps” taken is not known, though the wording suggests the worst.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide

Leaving, demotion and discharge: Notable exception

Leaving the Rangers to become a member of the Jedi Order, rare a case as it may be, is seen as an exceptional honour, and anyone who does so receives a fond farewell from the other members”. In addition, Rangers with some experience in the Jedi Order (before joining or after leaving the organization) are well perceived within the organization.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide

Allies: Jedi and Force traditions: Jedi

Although Antarian Rangers are “staunch supporters” of the Jedi, their relations with the Jedi Order as whole is marred with ambiguity. Therefore, it is important to dissociate the various entities within the Jedi Order to clearly establish how, when and by who the Antarian Rangers are appreciated.

Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide

Allies: Jedi and Force traditions: Jedi: Jedi Council

Despite being closely associated with the Jedi, Antarian Rangers do not have a good press with the Jedi Council. Their “efforts [are] not officially sanctioned or approved by the Jedi Council”, which treats them “with indifference” and does not “acknowledge them”. Furthermore, it seems that the Council hardened its position against the Antarian Rangers, as stated in Hero’s Guide: “the Jedi Council took a more traditionalist stance in policy, the Rangers found fewer and fewer Jedi calling upon them (...).”

In spite of this, Antarian Rangers are known as “Jedi petitioners”, i.e. having “connections within the Jedi Order and enough pull to gain an audience with the Jedi Council on fairly short notice – five to fifty hours (…) normally, petitioning the Jedi Council can take days or even weeks, and even then, an audience is rarely granted to a non-Jedi”. Furthermore, these audiences may even provide the Rangers with “resources, support, and even occasional direct help”.

So, if poorly viewed with the Jedi Council, Antarian Rangers must have had quite a good reputation within the Order as a whole...

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66), Hero’s Guide, Imperial Commando 501st (p.68)

Allies: Jedi and Force traditions: Jedi: Jedi Order

As a whole, the Jedi Order tends to have a relatively good appreciation of the Antarian Rangers. The latter “proved their usefulness without drawing upon Jedi resources” and thus, the Order “certainly used them”. The Jedi Order has more or less use of allied paramilitary organizations, whenever it is “more loosely organized” or “outnumbered and unable to sufficiently defend the galaxy”, and when it is the case, it certainly “[does] not discourage the growth of the organization” or “[calls] upon the Rangers for aid” and tends to forget that it does “not condone or support” them.

In this context, it is not surprising that over time and from crisis to crisis, “Antarian Rangers gain the trust and assistance of the Jedi Order” as well as “a certain amount of respect from members of the Jedi Order”, benefitting from a “Jedi reputation”, they are able to obtain “contacts” within the Order, and thus petition, as well as obtain “information or expert skills” from their contacts. If “contacts won't accompany the Antarian Ranger on missions or risk his or her life” and have limited time available, then, how do rangers gain trust and respect? Who are the Jedi that call upon them?

Sources: Hero’s Guide, Imperial Commando 501st (p.68)

Allies: Jedi and Force traditions: Jedi: Individual Jedi Masters and Knights

From the initial pairing of Kaskutal and Timpel, the Antarian Rangers organization grew rapidly, meaning that news of assistance for Jedi Knights on missions must have spread fast within the Order – after all, it was not the first time that a paramilitary organization closely helped the Jedi (Freedom Warriors, Freedom’s sons), and Council’s initial position may have been favourable.

However, given the emphasis in the literature on “Jedi Knights”, it may be possible to extrapolate that the Antarian Rangers really did concentrate on helping Jedi Knights rather than the Jedi Order as such. “Many Jedi Knights trusted the Antarian Rangers with their lives” or “many work closely with them [Antarian Rangers] and truly value their services”, “a few of them anyway (...) but some of them appreciated”. Exactly how many is a question difficult to answer, as Hershey et al. and Rodney & Thompson seem to contradict Allston on this point. However, given the timeframe, it is possible that each author be right at a certain point in time. To be sure “the opinions of individual Jedi vary”.

However, beyond the “loyal and reliable warriors” working alongside Jedi, some Antarian Rangers were also seen with the eyes of love. Bearing in mind that “Jedi (…) deal with a small group of Rangers with whom they are familiar, and rely on the same Rangers repeatedly. Some Jedi actually have semi permanent Antarian Ranger companions who (...) assist them in a fashion similar to the Padawan-Master relationship,” it should not come as surprise that “in the days when rules on emotional attachment for the Jedi were lax, some Jedi and Antarian Rangers intermarried. As a result, Jedi occasionally have family, as well as ideological, ties to the Rangers.”

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66), X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.185), Tales of the Jedi Companion (p.173)

Allies: Jedi and Force traditions: Jedi: Technical Division

Not much is known of the Jedi Order’s Technical Division and less about how Master J’oopie Shé became a member of the Republic Group along with Antarian Ranger Folee, whether this is a single occurrence or Antarian Rangers have regular dealings with the Technical Division is something left to discover.

Source: Millennium Falcon (p.24)

Allies: Jedi and Force traditions: Jedi: AgriCorps and the Jedi Service Corps

Relations between the Antarian Rangers and the AgriCorps are likewise shrouded in mystery. The latter is referenced in Hero’s Guide as one of the “related organizations” of the Jedi Order where “contacts” may originate. However, given the amount of travels and the relative feeble skills in the Force that AgriCorps members tend to display, their relation with Antarian Rangers may be very much appreciated for the safety that Rangers can bring.

The Clone Wars Campaign Guide expands the "related organizations" (Jedi Service Corps, p.122) detailing the AgriCorps, the EduCorps, the ExplorCorps and the MedCorps. Although it does not makes specific references to the Antarian Rangers, one may assume given the information provided in Hero's Guide that Antarian Rangers may have contacts with them.

Source: Hero’s Guide, The Clone Wars Campaign Guide

Allies: Jedi and Force traditions: Other Force traditions

Order 66, the dissolution of the Jedi Order and the Dark Times, have forced “some Antarian Rangers [to ally] themselves with members of other Force traditions”, however, it is unclear with which ones. Imperial Commando 501st indicates that one such tradition is the Altisian Jedi, led by Master Djinn Altis; however, the plural form of “tradition” clearly indicates that there is at least another, yet unnamed, tradition.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66), Imperial Commando 501st

Allies: Public at large

According the Hero’s Guide, in the eyes of the general public, “the Antarian Rangers are a well respected (if not widely known) organization” since “the Rangers have suffered almost none of the negative publicity surrounding the Jedi and those associated with them” during the Purge. Allston and Traviss confirm the “not widely known” aspect of the organization: “Kell (…) never heard of the Antarian Rangers” and Darman had “never heard of them”. In addition, Antarian Rangers may be seen as defenders of the Republic as shown by their participation in the “Republic” faction in Star Wars Miniatures, Jedi Academy Set.

Before that era, the organization emulates “those intimidated by the awesome powers of the Jedi” who “sometimes seek out the Rangers as a less intimidating means of contributing to the cause”.

Sources: Star Wars Miniature, Hero’s Guide, X-wing: Wraith Squadron (p.67), Imperial Commando 501st (p.68)

Allies: Senate

Individual Senators, part of the Republic Group and the Delegation of Two Thousands, have contacts with the Antarian Rangers (Senators Des’sein, Largetto and Fang Zar). Whether contacts among other Senators has been widespread is unknown as of yet.

Source: Millennium Falcon

Allies: Republic Group

At least one Antarian Ranger, Folee, was part of the Republic Group, a clandestine organization bent on opposing Chancellor Palpatine. The group encompassed members of the Delegation of Two Thousands and at least one Jedi Master, J’oopi Shé. Among the prominent members of the Republic Group was Senator Fang Zar, known for working closely with Senators Mothma and Organa and Senators Des’sein and Largetto. Although, there is only one named Antarian Ranger, there are indirect evidences that several were part of or working with the Group: “our allies” and “Antarian Rangers”.

Source: Millennium Falcon (pp.21, 342)

Allies: Kota’s Militia

Antarian Rangers have an ongoing relationship with Kota’s Militia from Order 66 to some point into the Purge (no date is given). First, “when Order 66 was given, a squad of Antarian Rangers (…) managed to ferry Kota and many of his soldiers into hiding” and in an ongoing fashion, working alongside Kota’s militia “for larger assaults”.
The added-value of the Antarian Rangers to Kota’s Militia is clearly intended in the case of “larger assaults”, which implies that Kota’s Militia would require the Rangers mostly for their combat and possibly intelligence abilities rather than their logistical support.

Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.218, 78)

Allies: Old Republic & New Republic

Although information is extremely scant, Antarian Rangers may be allied to the Old Republic and the New Republic. Star Wars Miniatures, Jedi Academy Set, establishes the Antarian Rangers’ “affinity” with these two factions. However, aside from their relations to the Jedi Order during the Old Republic, little is known of their relations at large. Hero’s Guide mentions in a somehow contradictory fashion “that many are wary of any independent organization that goes about so heavily armed during the relative peace of the Old Republic”.

Regarding the relation with the New Republic, more details are available, though through deduction. Primary sources indicate that:

“Until a New Republic Intelligence reconnaissance mission had brought her and a few other rescuees offworld”;

“She is a member of the Antarian Rangers”;

“I got into the New Republic Academy pretty much for one reason: because I demonstrated I had a little control over the Force” (…) “They were hoping you’d train up to be a new Luke Skywalker”;

“Immediately the offer to try out for this squadron came in – and I later learned that it was just because of my Ranger experience”;
With Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Order rising after the defeat of the Empire, a small group of Antarian Rangers from the old days has tried to revitalize the organization with limited success”;

Primarily assisting with Luke Skywalker's “Great River” [25 – 29 ABY] and helping combat the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, this new group of Rangers numbers at no more than 50 or 60 beings;

The following events can be dated in order to give a sense of the status of the Antarian Rangers during the New Republic era:

4 ABY: Declaration of New Republic;
7.5 ABY: Events depicted in X-Wing: Wraith Squadron;
9 ABY: Toprawa still under Imperial rule;
10ABY: Final death of the Emperor;
11 ABY: Foundation of Luke Skywalker’s Praxeum;
19 ABY: The signing of the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty ends the Galactic Civil War;
25-29ABY: Yuuzhan Vong conflict and “Great River”;

Events depicted in X-wing: Wraith Squadron inform that the New Republic, sometimes between 4 ABY and 7.5ABY, had knowledge of the Antarian Rangers (more accurately, 7.5ABY minus Sarkin’s stint at the New Republic Academy and her subsequent passage in Repness’ remedial squadron) and that Luke Skywalker had rebuked Sarkin as a Jedi trainee between 4ABY and the novel’s timeframe. While there is no evidence indicating that Sarkin had made her Ranger allegiance known to Skywalker, obviously, the New Republic knew of it (Wedge Antilles casually states that “she is a member of the Antarian Rangers”) and also knew of her Force sensitivity (the reason why she was recruited in the Academy in the first place). Therefore, it seems unlikely that Skywalker didn’t have access to this information.

Therefore, it is possible to interpret Hero’s Guide events “Jedi Order rising” and “defeat of the Empire” with the earliest dates (10-11ABY) – noting that on New Republic controlled worlds, Antarian Rangers would not need to keep on hiding as early as 4ABY.

A conservative estimate would put the resurgence of the Antarian Rangers organization around 10-11ABY, around which time, they likely established some relationship with the New Republic (and were viewed favourably – based on the treatment for Sarkin) and with Luke’s rising Jedi Order. The latter relationship is implied in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide: “in preparation for the day when the Jedi Order is rebuilt and new Padawans are needed”. However, despite their resurgence, Antarian Rangers kept their numbers low.

Obviously, this presupposes that Antarian Rangers were unheard of during the Rebellion or did not take part to it, otherwise, they would have been known much earlier. If the Rangers were known during the Rebellion era, then, there is little choice but to interpret the documentation in the following way: Antarian Rangers were part of the Rebellion, by 10-11ABY, they decided to give their institution its pre-Clone Wars legal status as an independent organization and emerged distinctly from the New Republic, albeit on good terms.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66), X-wing: Wraith Squadron (pp.67, 87, 183, 184), Star Wars Miniature

Allies: Rebellion?

The participation of the Antarian Rangers to the Rebellion is not established in any way. Wookieepedia hints at the possibility when comparing the Antarian Rangers with the Aquilian Rangers – the latter joining the Rebellion in the Star Wars drafts. However, there are several leads that point to the Rangers eventually joining the Rebellion despite having gone into hiding following Order 66.

Karen Traviss suggests that Jedi will take a proactive part – if not foment – the future Rebellion, therefore leaving open the possibility that Antarian Rangers would follow suit: “Jedi don’t have numbers on their side now (…) and they don’t have the taxpayer bankrolling ships and arms for them. They’ll hide for a while and lick their wounds. But then they have to do two things – contact other Jedi to regroup, and then latch on to mundane beings to latch an insurgency. They need an army to do their dirty work for them. They’ll sniff out dissent wherever they can find it, ferment it, and ride it. Nobody who’s that used to power can ever give it up”;

Hershey et al. compare on various occasions, the Antarian Rangers and the Rebellion in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide: “Like the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, the Antarian Rangers oppose the Empire at every turn”, “though they do not reach anywhere near the scale [of the] Rebel Alliance”, “like an underground resistance movement”;

Rodney & Thompson in Hero’s Guide indicate that Antarian Rangers’ branches became “sector defense forces”, which can be construed as a further nod to the budding Rebellion as many sector defense forces partook in the Rebellion;

In another passage, Rodney & Thompson indicate that “Solm (…) led a group of Rangers against the Galactic Empire during the period prior to the Battle of Yavin, one of the few branches of that organization to act openly”;

Hershey et al. mention the proximity of a squad of Antarian Rangers to Alliance Founder Rahm Kota, while James Luceno mentions in Millennium Falcon the presence of one Ranger (possibly several “Antarian Rangers”, “allies”) to Senator Fang Zar, Des’sein and Largetto, members of the Delegation of Two Thousands along with Alliance Founders Bail Organa and Mon Mothma;

James Luceno further indicates that: “a few of the Republic Group Senators (…) had survived to see the Alliance to Restore the Republic – the so called Rebel Alliance – defeat the Empire, which means that knowledge of the Antarian Rangers throughout the Galactic Civil War was not lost;

Finally, the expression “Luke Skywalker’s scouts” is mentioned in Star Wars Galaxies (Warn Commander Skywalker), although nothing suggests that those may be Antarian Rangers they would fit the description quite well, although also raising a number of continuity issues.

While none of these leads establish that the Antarian Rangers affiliate themselves with the Rebellion during the Dark Times, a credible hypothesis that they did can be formulated. This hypothesis rests upon the following facts:

Several branches actively opposed the Empire;

Antarian Rangers are close to Alliance Founders if not in direct relation.

However, for clarity’s sake, it must be stressed that Antarian Rangers mostly went into hiding. This is attested by several sources: “survived the Purge going into hiding”, “for the most part the Rangers went into seclusion”, “the rest went underground. My family stayed hidden for decades”, “many Antarian Rangers survived the purge by going into hiding”, and “disbanded entirely in order to avoid capture”. That the Rangers were “on the brink of extinction” or “nearly faded into obscurity” also implies that their impact in the Rebellion would or could have been minimal. Timothy O’Brian’s Rebel SpecForce Handbook, for instance, does not mention them, but mentions Freedom Warriors as a historical SpecForce organization (the Rebel SpecForce Handbook was published in 1997 and X-wing: Wraith Squadron in 1998). It is possible that when Allston wanted to create the Antarian Rangers he misquoted O’Brian (Freedom Warriors and Freedom’s Sons). Furthermore, according to Star Wars Miniatures, Antarian Rangers may not be placed in a Rebel squad (Star Wars Miniatures, Jedi Academy Set; Antarian Rangers belong to the “Republic” faction and have an affinity with the “Old Republic” and “New Republic” factions, i.e. they may be used alongside those).

Sources: Star Wars Miniature, Rebel SpecForce Handbook, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66, 68, 78, 218), Hero’s Guide, X-Wing: Wraith Squadron (p.185), Star Wars Galaxies (Warn Commandant Skywalker), Millennium Falcon (pp.21, 84, 342), Imperial Commando 501st (p.239), Wookieepedia (Antarian Ranger article)


Given their long history and their status of “long known (…) staunch supporters of the Jedi”, the list of enemies of the Antarian Rangers covers all eras and encompasses wide array of foes. They are opposed to the Empire and its cronies, the Yuuhzan Vong, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, bounty hunters, all the shades of dark-siders from the Sith to Dark Jedi, and finally, they also suffer from some negative opinions.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66), Hero’s Guide (p.74)

Enemies: Empire

Considered their “greatest enemy”, the Empire has, from Order 66, targeted more or less consistently the Antarian Rangers (“The Jedi were not the only ones targeted (…) Antarian Rangers were all but wiped out by the Clone troopers”). Antarian Rangers are “branded as enemies of the state and collaborators”, “hunted fervently by Lord Vader”, the Inquisitorius, Imperial commandos, and various “Emperor’s pawns” (which may be another way to describe the Emperor’s Hand Sa Cuis).

There are some apparent inconsistencies however regarding the status of the Antarian Rangers during the Dark Times. While The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide clearly states that Antarian Rangers were targeted during Order 66 and mentions their fall to Clone troopers, Imperial Commando 501st is somehow more ambiguous. Imperial Commandos of the 501st did not receive instructions regarding the Rangers who “weren’t even on the briefing list” provided by Imperial Intelligence, and individual commandos didn’t even know of their existence. Yet, this contradiction may be explained by the information available to the protagonists. Indeed, the exact wording of Order 66 can shed light on the matter:

“Order 66: In the event of Jedi officers acting against the interests of the Republic, and after receiving specific orders verified as coming directly from the Supreme Commander (Chancellor), GAR commanders will remove those officers by lethal force, and command of the GAR will revert to the Supreme Commander (Chancellor) until a new command structure is established.”

It appears that Antarian Rangers (or for that matter, any non-Jedi organizations) are not specifically mentioned. Therefore, either they are to be compounded as “Jedi officers” or, the term “targeted” used by The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, refers to the fact that Antarian Rangers were targeted because they attempted to protect the Jedi and / or attack the Clones.

Provided that the individual commandos did not serve alongside a Jedi accompanied by an Antarian Ranger, this theory can be sustained.

Regarding the “briefing list”, Traviss’ suggests some sort of tug-of-war between the various components of the Empire. Compiled by Imperial Intelligence the list does not feature Antarian Rangers, but the Emperor, via the Emperor’s Hand Sa Cuis, had from the onset of the Purge its eyes on the organization, presumably to turn minor Force-using Rangers to the Dark Side and to pursue escaped Jedi Masters whom the Rangers tried to protect. Therefore, the Emperor’s Hand countermanded general orders regarding the Rangers.

Under the influence of Roly Melusar in the 501st, Imperial Commandos receive orders to kill Antarian Rangers who are lumped with other Force-based organizations on the basis of their proximity to the Jedi Order and irrespective of their Force-using abilities. Later during the Purge, the Antarian Rangers are targeted as other Force-based organizations, thus indicating that Imperial Intelligence eventually included them in the “briefing list”. However, it is possible that the Rangers’ inclusion to the list took place quite early as Imperial Commando 501st mentions Imperial Intelligence’s conclusion on the botch arrest of a Ranger.

Although Antarian Rangers are vehemently chased by the Empire, “one group of Antarian Rangers (...) openly [opposes] the tyranny of the Empire”; it is however unclear how many other groups take arms against the Empire as the text simply refers to “one of the few branches”, yet, the notion that Antarian Rangers “fight off Imperial oppression” and “oppose the Empire at every turn” is present.

Sources: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66, 68), Imperial Commando 501st (pp.68, 184, 238), Hero’s Guide, Republic Commando: True Colors (accessed from Wookieepedia’s Order 66 article)

Enemies: Empire: Associates

Any discovered to be associated with the Antarian Rangers faces the same punishment as those connected with the Rebel Alliance or who harboured fugitive Jedi. Sympathizing with the Antarian Rangers can be a dangerous choice at times.

Source: Hero’s Guide

Enemies: Bounty Hunters

Hero’s Guide informs that there are also “[bounties] on the heads of the known Rangers”.

Source: Hero’s Guide

Enemies: Imperial cronies

Despite being hunted down, Antarian Rangers “fight against anyone who aids the government in exterminating the Jedi”. The wording suggests that Antarian Rangers may target local and planetary government as well as companies or individuals.

Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (p.66)

Enemies: Dark Siders

Antarian Rangers actively oppose “agents of the Dark Side” and thus consider it legitimate to “kill a dark Jedi, Sith, or other dark sider”. Depending on the era, this could be done in conjunction with the Jedi Order with our without the consent of the government in place (Republic or Empire).

Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (pp.67, 68)

Enemies: Confederacy of Independent Systems and Yuuzhan Vong

There is little documentation on the opposition between the Antarian Rangers and these two groups. During the Separatist Crisis, Antarian Rangers “defend (…) against the threat of the Separatists” and battle against the Roshu Sune, while during the New Republic, they “help combat the Yuuzhan Vong invasion”.

Sources: Hero’s Guide, The New Essential Chronology (p.50)

Enemies: Negative opinions

Antarian Rangers, being “relatively unknown” are spared many negative opinions, “though many are wary of any independent organization that goes about so heavily armed during the relative peace of the Old Republic”.
During the Imperial era, the Imperial Inquisition has a negative view of the Antarian Rangers, seeing them as “[tagging] along” the Jedi and being nothing more than “sad little creatures” with a “miserable existence putting [their] life on the line for those who don’t even admit that [they] exist”. This opinion is shared by Clone soldiers-turned-Jedi-haters in the Imperial service that see their existence as “disgraceful” and assume that the Jedi never saw them “as anything more than latrine cleaners”. However, they see them as having enough of a “healthy attitude” to “call it a day” when push comes to shove.
Within the Mandalorian clan Skirata, Antarian Rangers may be associated with the negative view generally held regarding Force-users in light of the way they organized escaped routes: “All in their holy cause, all justifiable, and they don’t even think about what they leave in their wake, because they mean well”.
Finally, Lestra Oxic holds negative beliefs about the Rangers during the New Republic era. Whether it is incidental or not is unclear. Oxic was a confident to Senator Des’sein of the Republic Group prior and during the Empire, and following his death attempts to recover an important artifact of the Republic, meeting with failure, he declares: “or might the actual emblem have been stolen by the person [an Antarian Ranger] to whom you were to deliver the Stellar Envoy (…) I wouldn’t put it past one of those people to plunder a treasure!”

Sources: Hero’s Guide, Imperial Commando 501st (pp.68, 87, 301), Millennium Falcon (p.358)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Diagram: Structure of the Antarian Rangers

This diagram attempts at uncovering the Antarian Rangers organization's organigram. From the documentation, it seems that divisions and branches are one and a same thing, while cells, groups, chapter houses, communities or clans are at the same level. Below is the operational level; when Antarian Rangers operate during missions.

Sources used: Hero's Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, The New Essential Chronology, X-wing: Wraith Squadron

Diagram by Tarn Pagott

Diagram: Degrees of separation between the Antarian Rangers and the Rebellion

This diagram sums up the degrees of separation between the Antarian Rangers and the Rebellion, since it is unclear (and is clearly undocumented as far as I can say) whether the Antarian Rangers joined the Rebellion or not.

Sources used: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Millennium Falcon

Diagram by Tarn Pagott

Diagram: Antarian Rangers from 25 BBY to 0 BBY

This diagram sums up time periods, exact dates, locations and activities of the Antarian Rangers during the selected period.

Sources used: Hero's Guide, The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Imperial Commando 501st, Millennium Falcon, The New Essential Chronology.

Diagram by Tarn Pagott.

Status during eras: Old Republic era, Foundation to Separatist Crisis

620 BBY: The Antarian Rangers were founded some 600 years before the Clone War

Organization with just over a thousand total members

Soon after: It soon spread beyond Antar 4 into the rest of the galaxy

Early years: In the early years, the organization was small but ambitious

Upon Timpel's death, Kaskutal relegated himself to a more administrative role

570 BBY: Within 50 years, the Antarian Rangers had divisions in several well-populated systems, including Corellia, Brentaal, Ruan, and Coruscant

Over time: Over time, the expansion throughout the Core Worlds caused the organization to become Human-dominant. Presumably, reaching the status of “multiple sectors organization” at this point in time.

Gradually: There were fewer and fewer Rangers around

As the Clone Wars approached: Some branches disbanded due to inactivity

Some branches used their combat training and entrepreneurial skills to become freelance mercenaries

Some branches became Sector Defence Forces

The organization, reduced to less than half its former size (so less than 500 before the separatist crisis)

Status during eras: Rise of the Empire: Separatist crisis to Order 66

25 BBY: Antarian Rangers set up a depot on Tandum III (Republic Group)

24 – 22 BBY: Separatist crisis (Antarian Rangers help the Jedi)

24 BBY: Battle of Antar 4

Onset of the Clone Wars Brief revitalization, brief surge in membership, Jedi-Ranger pairings become more commonplace

22 – 19 BBY: Clone Wars (Antarian Ranger help the Jedi, but whole clans are killed during the various battles), “numbers already diminished”

19 BBY: Antarian Ranger Folee is in Toprawa, Salik City

19 BBY: Order 66, Antarian Rangers are killed by Clones; “all but wiped out”

19 BBY: Toprawa community goes into hiding

19 BBY: Many other branches go in hiding or disband (to disband means to part ways, to hide means hiding together and retaining a modicum of identity as Rangers)

19 BBY: A squad of Antarian Rangers whisks Rahm Kota away

19 BBY: Antarian Ranger Jilam Kester partakes in the escape route leading to Plett’s Well on Belsavis

19 BBY: An unnamed Antarian Ranger, possibly Kester, may be among the Altisian Jedi

Status during eras: Imperial era: Ongoing Purge to Endor

19 – 0 BBY: Great Jedi Purge, Antarian Rangers are hunted by: Emperor’s Hand, Inquisition, Lord Vader, Imperial forces, Bounty hunters; hunted nearly to the brink of extinction; they nearly faded into obscurity; purged along with the Jedi

Small cells of Antarian Rangers continue to operate during the rise of the Empire

19 – 0 BBY: Toprawa community goes into hiding

Tabiid cell goes into hiding

19 – 0 BBY: Many other branches go in hiding (seclusion, underground) or disband (to disband means to part ways, to hide means hiding together and/or retaining a modicum of identity as Rangers)

19 – 0 BBY: Join other Force traditions

19 – 0 BBY: Knowledge of the Antarian Rangers remains in surviving members of the Republic Group and the Delegation of Two Thousands

Operate like underground resistance movement

19 – 0 BBY: Antarian Rangers and Kota’s Militia join forces for “larger assaults”

19 – 0 BBY: Solm openly opposes the Empire

19 – 0 BBY: Other Antarian Branches fight off Imperial oppression

19 – 0 BBY: Antarian Rangers branches working on escape routes have limited knowledge of Jedi survivors

18 BBY: Evacuation of Plett’s Well

0 BBY: Rham Kota joins the Rebellion, presumably with Kota’s Militia and possibly with some Antarian Rangers

0 BBY: Antarian Rangers may partake in the Rebellion

0 BBY: Bombardment of Toprawa

Status during eras: from Endor to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion

4 ABY: Declaration of the New Republic

4-7.5ABY: Tyria Sarkin is evacuated from Toprawa

4-7.5ABY: Luke Skywalker rebukes Sarkin as a Jedi trainee, Luke Skywalker likely learns of the Antarian Rangers if he didn’t have prior knowledge

7,5 ABY: Foundation of Wraith Squadron (incl. Sarkin)

Jedi Order rising after defeat of the Empire (this would probably be 10 ABY (death of the Emperor) – 11 ABY (foundation of the Jedi Praxeum): A small group of Antarian Rangers from the old days has tried to revitalize the organization with limited success

25 – 29 ABY: Primarily assisting with Luke Skywalker's “Great River” and helping combat the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, this new group of Rangers numbers at no more than 50 or 60 beings

Notable Antarian Rangers, Tyria Sarkin

Tyria Sarkin Tainer was a female Human from Toprawa and an Antarian Ranger. She was also somewhat Force-sensitive, a fact which helped her gain entrance to the New Republic Starfighter Command, but she initially showed little aptitude for either Jedi or pilot training. Her start in Starfighter Command was discolored by a corrupt training instructor, Atton Repness, who tarnished her record after she threatened to expose his fraudulent activities. After graduating at the bottom of her class, she became one of the founding members of Gray Squadron under Commander Wedge Antilles, and supplied the unit's permanent name: Wraith Squadron. The unit was quickly activated after the Battle of Folor and participated in the campaign against Warlord Zsinj and his subordinate Apwar Trigit.

Despite not being one of the more skilled pilots in the squadron, she participated in a number of missions and distinguished herself with her abilities as an infiltrator. Sarkin eventually told her new friends in the squadron about what Repness had done to her and squadmates Garik Loran and Ton Phanan were able to find a way to expose Repness. They also helped her after she was forced to kill a brainwashed New Republic pilot trying to assassinate Han Solo. During her time in the Wraiths, Sarkin also developed an attraction for fellow Wraith Kell Tainer, whom she would later marry.

Although Jedi Master Luke Skywalker had told her that she was not a likely candidate for Jedi Knighthood, she left the military some time after Zsinj's death to learn the ways of the Jedi Order on her own, and eventually she was confirmed as a Jedi Knight by Skywalker in her own right. She and Tainer had a son, named Doran, who also inherited Sarkin's Force sensitivity and became her apprentice. They traveled to distant parts of the galaxy, with Sarkin Tainer teaching Doran, even as the Yuuzhan Vong War raged (original article copied from Wookieepedia)

Notable Antarian Rangers, Solm

Solm was a Feeorin member of the Antarian Rangers. He led a group of Rangers against the Galactic Empire during the period prior to the Battle of Yavin, one of the few branches of that organization to act openly (original article copied from Wookieepedia)

Notable Antarian Rangers, Jilam Kester

Jilam Kester was a male Human member of the Antarian Rangers. Shortly after the formation of the Galactic Empire, Kester took part in helping Jedi escape through refugee networks from Emperor Palpatine's hunters. Kester's assistance did not go unnoticed as he was given as a target for Squad 40, one of the Imperial commando squads belonging to the 501st Legion. Squad 40 tried to capture Kester on the planet Celen where he was hiding. Unbeknownst to the commandos, Jedi Master Iri Camas was with Kester at the time. Camas sacrificed himself and distracted the commandos, thereby allowing Kester to escape to Plett’s Well with some Padawans (original article copied from Wookieepedia)

Notable Antarian Rangers, Folee

Folee was a female Antarian Ranger and an ally of the Republic Group stationed on Toprawa in Salik City. In 19 BBY, Folee was to receive the Stellar Envoy from Captain Tobb Jadak and his co-pilot Reeze. Upon delivery she was also to receive a mnemonic aid, "Restore Republic honor to the galaxy". When the mnemonic aid was decoded and entered into the Stellar Envoy's navigational computer, she would have been able to travel to Tandun III completing her mission. However, Folee never got to perform her mission. After a run in with Republic forces, Jadak and Reeze were forced to detour to Nar Shaddaa, where Reeze died, Jadak was put in a sixty-year-long coma, and the Stellar Envoy was lost (original article copied from Wookieepedia)

Notable Antarian Rangers, Marus Timpel

Was a male Human Jedi Master who served with the Jedi Order approximately six centuries prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. Born on Coruscant and raised in the Jedi Temple, Marus honed his Force-skills and eventually attained the rank of Jedi Master. One day, while on routine duties on the planet of Antar 4, Marus met a Gotal who had been turned down for Jedi training years earlier; in fact, turned away by Marus himself. The Gotal's name was Kaskutal and he possessed none of the bitterness many beings acquired when turned away from Jedi training. Kaskutal still admired the Jedi Order and made a very successful life for himself since then as a businessman. Marus and Kaskutal soon became friends and Marus would express his frustration on how his life as a Jedi limited him in available resources. Upon hearing this, Kaskutal proceeded to raise funds to create an organization that could help the Jedi Order in ways that would alleviate some of Marus' frustrations. The organization founded became known as the Antarian Rangers. As it grew and expanded, it moved beyond the borders of Antar 4, acquiring more and more members among beings who also admired the Jedi and wished to help them in any way possible. Throughout the rest of his career as a Jedi, Marus Timpel was accompanied by Kaskutal whose resources and limited Force-sensitivity proved more than valuable on multiple occasions. When Marus Timpel became one with the Force, Kaskutal took on an administrative role to manage the operations of the organization. With his strong business and managerial skills, Kaskutal ensured that the organization was financially stable and helped to continue its expansion (original article copied from Wookieepedia)

Notable Antarian Rangers, Kaskutal

Kaskutal was a male Gotal Antarian about six centuries before the Clone Wars. He was the founder of the Antarian Rangers. Born on Antar 4, Kaskutal possessed slight Force sensitivity, but had been turned down for Jedi training at an early age by Master Marus Timpel. Undaunted, he returned to his home planet and grew up to become a successful businessman, known for his negotiation skills. His success, no doubt in part thanks to his slight Force abilities and Gotal senses, allowed him to amass considerable wealth. Years later, Kaskutal again encountered Master Timpel, who had traveled to Antar 4 on a routine mission. The two struck up a friendship, and in conversations, the Gotal came to understand the difficulties Jedi had with resource allocation and travel limitations. Inspired, Kaskatul proceeded to organize a means to supplement the Jedi Order. This was the genesis of the Antarian Rangers. Drawing upon donations and investments by parties supportive of the Jedi, as well as more than a few shrewd business deals, Kaskatul was able to expand the Rangers to multiple systems and assist the Jedi without draining their limited resources. His minor Force talents and financial acumen proved invaluable to Master Timpel as they continued to work together until the end of Timpel's life. At that point, Kaskutal took on an administrative role to manage the operations of the organization. With his strong business and managerial skills, Kaskutal ensured that the organization was financially stable and helped to continue its expansion (original article copied from Wookieepedia)

Antarian Rangers' locations

The existing documentation provides little information on where Antarian Rangers are located, nevertheless, here is the available information:

Planets with Antarian Rangers locales

Antar 4: Possible headquarters, several Chapter Houses
Several worlds: Communities
Ruan: Division
Brentaal: Division
Corellia: Division
Coruscant: Division
Tabiid: Branch
Tandun III: Depot / storehouse
Toprawa: Community
Core worlds: Divisions?
Outer Rim: Squad of Antarian Rangers

Possible presence but undocumented

Worlds travelled to by the Jedi Order during the Separatist Crisis
Worlds travelled to by the Jedi Order during the Clone War

Locales used during escape routes

Plett’s Well escape route: Celen, Belsavis
Great River escape route: Shelter, Eclipse Station – possible Rangers presence

Strategic manufacturer

Vulta: Headquarters of Greff-Timms Industrials manufacturer of the AR-1 rifle